CCST Cyber Security - Malware and Virus Attacks
Understanding Malware and Virus Attacks: A Comprehensive Guide Malware and viruses are malicious software designed to infiltrate computer systems, steal sensitive data, or disrupt operations. These cyber threats can cause significant damage to individuals and organizations alike. Let's delve into the different types of malware attacks, providing real-world examples: Types of Malware Attacks Viruses: Worm: A self-replicating program that spreads rapidly across networks, often clogging up systems and networks. A famous example is the ILOVEYOU worm, which caused widespread disruption in 2000. Trojan Horse: Disguised as legitimate software, it can steal data, damage files, or provide backdoor access to attackers. The infamous Zeus Trojan horse has been used to steal millions of dollars from online banking users. Macro Virus: Embedded in Microsoft Office documents, these viruses can execute malicious code when the document is opened. Boot Sector Virus: Infects the master b...